
Secured Consumer Loan

Secured Consumer Loan

Secured loan product intended for non-bisiness related purposes.

Documentary Requirements
  1. Certified true copy of TCT from Register of Deeds
  2. Photocopy of updated Tax declaration; Tax Receipt; Tax Clearance
  3. Vicinity Map
  4. Proof of Income such as:


  1. Certificate of Employment indicating the following: Name; Position; Length of Service; Salary; Commission & Allowances – if applicable; and other employee benefits like bonuses
  2. Pay Slip (last 3 months)
  3. ITR or Form 136
  4. Bank Statement or Photo Copy of Passbook Subsidiary (if any)

      •If with business

  1. Business Permit
  2. Sales record
  3. Trade references (at least 3)
  4.  Photocopy of valid I.D. with signature
  5. Proof of billing (Last 3 months)


  1. Latest Contract of Employment or continuous contract (whichever is available) Passport and Visa; Bank Statement or Photo Copy of  assbook Subsidiary (at least 3 months )
  2. OFW on vacation can apply provided he/she can present a returned ticket.
  3. In case the spouse will be the one  to apply for the loan while the member is working abroad, a Special Power of Attorney with red ribbon seal is required prior to release of approved loan.